Have any of you out there who are not the target demographic read Melissa de la Cruz's Blue Bloods series? If you have not then all I can say to you is think Gossip Girl meets True Blood.
The books are addictive to say the least. Unlike Stephanie Meyer's sparkle-vamps (who bless them still hold a love-hate place in my crotchety YA book loving heart) these are a return to the original myth of vampires being fallen angels.
I read four of the books in a week. And I wanted to know what happened next so badly that I even skipped one book that wasn't in and went on to the next. Happily I missed enough that it will be worth reading but not so much that I was completely lost from there on in the series, which is important.
Am I the only one out there who has gone completely fan-girl for Blue Bloods?
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